These are the suites for PACN XXIII! Each year, the dances change per suite.
Malakas at Maganda
The Pilippine creation story, Malakas at Maganda, emplifies the equal power-relations that existed between men and women prior to Spanish Colonization.
Maria Clara
This flirtation dance is known throughout the Philippines. Carinosa means affectionate, lovable, or amiable.
The traditional martial arts of the Philippines, which emphasize the use of sticks, knives, and various improvised weapons.
Manila Swing
Swing dancing began within the African American community between the 1920s, 1930s and spread beyond in different variations and styles. Manila swing is a branch of swing that was developed in the Philippines, incorporated with East Coast style stunts.
Performed by very fierce warriors carrying elaborate shields. The dance involves movements of a warrior ready to defend his master in battle.
Pasigin, Pandanggo Sa Ilaw, Tinikling
Pasigin is a dance that originates from Capiz. It is named after the net, pasigin, which is used to catch the fish.
Used as a vehicle expression for current and contemporary themes.